Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Make the reading visible. Use a pen. Mark the book for the next reader -- Tips from Tai Lopez about "how to read a book a day" and "Look for gold"

ACTIVE READING:  Use a pen. Leave a trail.   
“What did you read today?”
Look at the underlined sentences.

Make the reading VISIBLE.
Make the learning visible (John Hattie)

Read a book a day -- or just look for gold nuggets in a book.   Tips from Tai Lopez

When possible, buy used books -- and look for textbooks that have careful highlighting and notes in the margins (a tip from Dennis Yuzenas)

When possible, buy used books -- and look for textbooks that have careful highlighting and notes in the margins.  

Dennis Yuzenas
former graduate student
former admissions officer at a private school
former Teacher of the Year
Webmaster,  WhatDoYaKnow.com

Mark the Book for the next reader

Let your kids see you marking books for the next reader

Mark the book
for the next reader

Let your pets catch you
in the act of
writing in books
Let's start by quoting the novelist James Patterson:


Reading role models, please apply here.
Let's face it: Most of us don't realize it, but we are failing our kids as reading role models. The best role models are in the home: brothers, fathers, grandfathers; mothers, sisters, grandmothers. Moms and dads, it's important that your kids see you reading. Not just books -- reading the newspaper is good too. ---  James Patterson


Click here to read an action plan that Patterson proposed in 2011.


Pick up a book,
Write in that book,
Mark important pages in the book
And get caught by your children

“With YOUR reading, you are solidifying in your kids a habit of THEIR reading.”

A mom who promotes reading points out this fact about what happens in the brains of children who see an adult reading a book.
Research has shown that we all have specialized cells in our brains called “mirror neurons.” This means that when we watch someone perform an action, the mirror neurons in our brain become active as if we ourselves were engaging in the behavior we’re observing. Observation of a behavior, to an extent, forges the same neural connections made from practicing that behavior. -- Jenni Buchanan, Reading Rainbow Mom


Spread these links by sharing this quicklink TINYURL.com/ForTheNextReader

Mark the book for the next reader

Write page numbers
on the edge of
the book's pages
so that
when the book
is looked at
from the side,
you can see
"page 19"

To spread this campaign, go to TINYURL.com/MarkTheBook and see
the work that has been done so far... and spread the link.

If you have a better slogan, let's add it.